Abraham – Much is said about the Now, but how is to be in it?

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This message below is part of the program of July 19, 2015 that we have live every Sunday with the Abraham.

Much is said about the Now, but how is to be in it? A dear reader, Alexandre Maia, transcribed this piece of the video, and because of the importance of it I decided to publish it in the form of an article.

Good reading…

Program of July 19, 2015

In the Now there is no mistake, in the Now there is no later.

In the Now there is only what you have to do at that moment.

The best answer you can give is that you gave at the time, the best option you have chosen is the one you chose at that time; because at that time it was what needed to happen; it was not “something else”.

“Another thing” was not frequencially linked to you, so it could not happen! (…) Many times you charge yourselves for situations that would not be possible for you to do, because you had not frequency to do something else, except that!

So insecurity comes from this separation, (comes) from you don’t not understand that everything is right, everything is fine, everything is cooperating to get you where you should go!

The cure for this (insecurity) is the certainty that everything is “okay”, that you did the best you could, that you are in a development process, are developing yourself with the things that are around you; so that all of them will flow as it has to flow!

So feel part of the All, feel part of life that is all around …

And if what you see around you is not exactly what you imagined it would happen:

Smile and move on!

Making sure that you did your best choices, you said the best words you could have said that you are the most important person in your world.

Everything else will fall into place from the moment you are sure that you are the All!

You are not in the All; You Are the All !!!

The Abraham


Luciana Attorresi – Source: http://trabalhadoresdaluz.com –

Transcribed by Alexandre Maia

Translation: Carolina Menkes Reis – Email: carol.menkes@gmail.com