Message channeled on December 11, 2015 – Archangel Michael
Hello, my friend.
I brought a very important message to be spread among the workers of the Light. The message refers to the immense value of intuition , the immense value of the Resound .
The more close we come to Gaia ascension, more the dark ones will bring messages which avoid the truth , whether in newspapers , whether in channeled messages .
That’s why it is urgent that you support yourselves in your heart and in the wisdom that exists in your consciousness .
All messages that come to you must be felt, it’s not just reading them, you have to close your eyes and ask yourselves if there is light in them.
Believe me, all of you are able to do this evaluation, you just need a little concentration and confidence in yourselves. In all the messages there is an energetic signature, and as you are frequencial beings , that means you are able to identify if that energy is or not in your frequency .
The words of a message are not as important as the energy it carries, so, if you are reading a message that awakens in you some discomfort, stop immediately and clean your auric field, calling from inside your heart a sphere of blue ray , which grows until the edges of your auric field, and then ask it to clean off all the energy that is not love.
Focus on the Light, seek the light , align yourself with it.
And the higher is the alignment , the greater will be your perception to identify the darkness.
The roads are wider and wider toward the ascension, towards all that you dreamed for Gaia and for all the mankind.
We started an important month in which many inside portals are opening, and it will be impossible that you do not give true quantum leaps .
For all who are drawn to this message, I tell you, welcome to your first quantum leap of the Golden Age .
If you need help, just a thought is necessary and I will be at your side.
I bless you with my Light and Love.
I am Archangel Michael
Profile of Luciana Attorresi – Source: –
Translation: Carolina Menkes Reis – Email: