Archangel Michael – Welcome to the new step, welcome to the new phase

Message channeled on February 14, 2016 – Archangel Michael

Beloved Masters,

It is with great pleasure that I return to leave you a message about all the cleaning that took place between the months of January and February through the gamma rays.

It was an unprecedented success , the humanity as a whole is higher frequencially , and nearly all the people rose one or more steps in the grid.

This may not seem much, but humanity is now where it has never been before, so for us it is a joy beyond measure.

The way showers already know, but for those who are reading this message and are in their first steps of the path of awakening and still feel alone, believe me, there are many souls awakening.

And after this result, another great wave of awakening will happen.

I ask you once again to remember yourselves when you were at that point and everything looked like it was going wrong , it seemed that you spoke a language that no one understood , and mainly , you felt alone and willing to go away.

Masters, fill these souls with your love, sometimes words are not necessary at this time , these souls do not need to “understand” anything, at the moment of the awakening they need only to empty themselves of what fulfilled them, so the new can naturally fill them .

A hug, a smile, a light emanation are the most appropriate medicines at this time. 

The plan follows , all embodied souls already know that the Light is growing and installing the new, the now and joy perpetuate in everyone’s heart .

I congratulate all of you, beloved Masters, for this important advancement in your missions. 

And for those who think that are not doing anything to help the Higher plan , know that if it was not your anchoring, with your Light , this would never have happened .

Welcome to the new step, welcome to the new phase.

I bless you with my Light and my love.

I am Archangel Michael.

Profile of the channel Luciana AttorresiProfile of Luciana Attorresi – Source: http//

Translation: Carolina Menkes Reis – Email: