Kryon – Portal 12/12 – Awakening the sleeping giant in you

Message channeled on December 10, 2015 – Kryon

Hello my friend, it is with great pleasure that I come to bring you a new energy that you had never felt or transcribed before. It is an energy that brings within itself a transmutation that can only be brought and absorbed in this period.

Open your arms and welcomes it inside you, that gift that the Supreme Consciousness will be sending you in the coming days ( Portal 12:12 ).

There has never been a month of December with this magnitude, there has never been a time in human history that you have had the opportunity to experience energies of this magnitude .

In the coming days there will be the Portal (12/12 ), but its energies are already coming, that is why you, my dear, is feeling a little discouraged today. They are very transformative energies, and they will remain until the end of this month, then they will make way to the wonderful energies that are coming along with the next year, which will be energies of completion, harvest and achievements.

But before 2016 arrived, it was necessary for changes to happen .

That’s why for many of you this year was very difficult to look yourself in the mirror, because in every moment something changed in you , so when you look you did not recognize the face you saw. And when you were almost getting used to this the new image, the mirror reflection changed again.

But now, with this new Portal, with the new energies that it is bringing, it will be possible to awaken the sleeping giant. Once the debris were removed, the Light that was there, in the background, will be able to shine much more stronger.

Joy, my dears! That is what I feel when I bring this news.

We can already see the light inside you begin to shine more and more. 

You are old souls , you know what is to live in the Light , that is why you came here, because you knew you could break away from the darkness and help all the humanity to move into higher dimensions.

It is a moment of Grace, a moment created by each of you .

I am Kryon of Magnetic Service .

I love mankind.

perfil-luciana-circularProfile of Luciana Attorresi – Source:
Translation: Carolina Menkes Reis – Email: