There is a huge healing light enveloping the planet in these coming days

Message channeled on December 29, 2015 – Divine Mary

Beloved children of the One,

There is a huge healing light enveloping the planet in these coming days (until the end of the year and the beginning of the next year).

This Light will be doing the cleaning so that what you are ceasing to use can be left behind. This is equivalent to the cleaning that many do in their homes in the end of the year, because the unnecessary things will leave to give space to the new things that are ready to arrive.

It will not be a really difficult period, because you will be sustained by the Christic Light, which will also help you to bring in the new .

In this short message I want you to know that love is very powerful , so use it wherever you go.

Do not focus on the passenger anger or discomfort that some situations can give you, because they will be really momentary and the sooner you return to love, the sooner the comfort and contentment will return to you.

The Light is sustaining you, you are not alone , call us if you need.

I love you and I bless you.

I am Mary.

perfil-luciana-circularProfile of Luciana Attorresi – Source:

Translation: Carolina Menkes Reis – Email: