William Shakespeare – ” bitterness is a poison you drink hoping the other die ” – Part 4

Message channeled on February 29, 2016 – William Shakespeare

Dear Brothers of Light,

In the previous message, I told you about love and the story of Romeo and Juliet , but today I want to bring you something that is the opposite , hatred.

William Shakespeare – ” bitterness is a poison you drink hoping the other die ” – Part 4y , but it is not possible that such feelings and emotions are part of beings that are made of love.

I think it’s very funny when you say “the flesh is weak ” , and that is the reason you feel these things, these “sins”. ” .

Human nature is love, and when you are closed to it, you cause a shortage in your being .

And with this absence, it begins to grow these other feelings and they take the place that would be used by love. Love absence brings to your life the experiences of hate, fear , pain, resentment and rancor.

I always believed that anger was the worst poison that existed, so I said several times:

“Bitterness is a poison you drink hoping the other die .”

In many plays and books I wrote , I tried to show how hatred brought pain to people’s lives. That where it became established, it was as if the person had opened a Pandora’s box, because everything around it started getting darker. And she remained connected to the other person by a low-frequency energy.

At that time I did not know about the frequencies , but today I know that hatred is the son of fear which in turn is the complete absence of love, of Light .

Hatred does not let you go on, it binds your feet with a powerful current and wherever you wish to go , all you will be able to do is stay in the same place.

In Hamlet I put many faces of hate and fear. Throughout history my hand left traces of emotions that have been building an awakening in the readers of how destructive and long was the path of hatred and fear.

Many believed that those feelings were on me for some reason , when I was writing this story . But dear , Hamlet was one more present that I won at that time , from my dear unseen friends , who helped me to show how much  change was necessary

In this same story I show that there is always another way and the importance of asking yourself if you really want to do something .

In Hamlet I took the reader to look at the other side, the side of love, compassion and companionship. I also took them to feel the purest of feelings, because when they put themselves in the place of the victim , they became the good guys of the story , wishing that everything would be different , that if there was a little more tolerance, understanding and friendship , the story would have had less suffering .

In this story that was actually a great game of mirrors , when I showed darkness, on the other side the Light lit up within who was reading .

The moral of the story of Hamlet, for me is: love, detach and live.

Everything else was just the leading wires to bring the reader to the highest feelings.

When you are feeling angry with someone , take a deep breath , empty your mind and let the Light return to its place, and then the anger will disappear because there is no room for it.

I bring with me the purest feeling to leave with you , Love. We’ll meet in the next and last post of this series.

Love today, tomorrow and always for you all, brothers of Light.

I am William Shakespeare


perfil-luciana-circularProfile of Channel Luciana Attorresi – Source: http://trabalhadoresdaluz.com

Translation: Carolina Menkes Reis – Email: carol.menkes@gmail.com