Message channeled on June 13 – Listic from Sirius – Guardian Angel of Luciana Guard
Channel: I was getting from my guardian angel informations about separation, about how humanity feels fragile, and how we are actually strong. I decided to ask him to leave me a message with that feeling he was giving me, so there follows this magnificent message I received from him.
Let’s build together a message for this period which is important for all mankind. Everyone is starting to realize that desires are the raw material of the Universe.
And that’s a fact!
And only by doing this you will be able to open the chains in which you were locked for millennia. About 3 decades ago you made a manifestation that completely changed the planet, which was the fall of the Berlin Wall.
When it fell, the Internet barely existed for most people, there was no Facebook, Twitter or WhatsApp, there was only TV and radio. Still, you were able to turn a separation situation in a union situation.
The last time you, as humanity, had done this, it was in World War II, and there, at that time, neither the TV had been “invented” yet, and the strength to stop that machine of destruction was present and active in lives of people who participated in that moment.
What unites you has always been and will always be the feeling, no matter how much manipulation there is so that you get out of what actually happens, you can create unimaginable things.
Who of you that were born with the geographical condition of East Germany and West Germany, could have imagined that the Berlin Wall would fall one day?
That wall that was much more than a territorial division was a division among the people, and I am not speaking only about German people, I’m talking about the West and the East, because in fact it was an immense archetype of this division.
And in its fall, all, the whole world, celebrated the rebirth of the planet. It was as if humanity had seen itself for an instant as only One.
The fall of that wall was a collective manifestation, a manifestation created by the desire to unite, the desire to be happy in the eyes of the other brothers.
Awake to the fact that you are powerful enough to create the impossible in a matter of seconds, both in the individual and in the collective. Let the criticism, that actually suck your energy, open yourselves to the immensity creativity that you carry in your feelings.
If you are reading this message and was born with the united Germanies, you also participated in that moment, because it was not a creation only of the incarnated, it was a creation of all.
Love, dear ones, and do not forget that you are in a year of cycles conclusions, the Year Nine, the year of the harvest.
Align your energy with love, with prosperity and abundance, all the rest, leave on account of the universe.
I hope I have helped.
I love you.
Listic from Sirius – Guardian Angel of Channel Luciana
Profile of channel Luciana Attorresi – Source:
Translation: Carolina Menkes Reis – Email: